Three worlds

At Public we operate with a unique insights platform based on Values – the nest of beliefs and motivators which drive people’s attitude and behaviour to a given situation or stimulus. These insights have been established, tested and proven over the last 30 years using quantitative research. They are pretty powerful!

Today we want to introduce you to the three Values Worlds of Settlers, Prospectors and Pioneers.

These are powerful shortcuts to help you understand vast motivational factors. And give you a competitive advantage for focused problem-solving insights.

We know that what works for one does not work for all. Often we are given brand, customer, and product information without a clear way to understand how they connect – or how they can be applied to form a practical insight. It feels like we are looking at a one-dimensional drawing. Missing the depth to make it meaningful. Missing the ‘Why do people do what they do?’ piece of the puzzle.

This is where Values ModesTM come in. They allow us to start focusing on the cause and not just the symptoms. Because Values drive behaviour, and that creates the extra dimension to give a story depth and meaning.
We can introduce you to this competitive advantage that creates shortcuts for better creative problem solving through these three worlds:

Settlers – Focusing on aspects like security, being risk averse, conformity, working with the known

Prospectors – Focusing on aspects like achievement, recognition from others, looking good, a yearning for success

Pioneers – Focusing on aspects like experimenting to find new ideas, ethics, self direction, benevolence

Each world breaks down further – in fact there are 108 Values ModesTM across the three worlds which give granular insight to drive more effective communication for brands.

Over the next weeks we will introduce these Value ModesTM and insight on how they apply to real world brand and communications examples.

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